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Image by Jakob Owens


A tool for healing, guidance, and answering your questions🧞‍♀️


Spirit Sessions are effective for addressing a wide range of topics and questions. Below, I've listed some examples of issues I have assisted people with. If you have any questions about how this service can help you, please don't hesitate to contact me here.

The Self

  • Self exploration (who are you)

  • Purpose (why are you here)

  • ​Karmic release (exploring past lives)

  • Shifting underlying beliefs 

  • Low self-esteem

  • Physical issues (is there a relevant emotional/spiritual issue, and if so, what?)

Career / Creation

  • Finding direction

  • Discovering your genius

  • Activating your talents

  • Working through blocks

  • Connecting to creations​

  • Deepening the creative well


  • Love

  • Friends

  • Family dynamics

  • Ancestry​

  • Spirit guides

Emotional Health

  • Burn-out

  • Bore-out

  • Depression

  • Addiction

  • Trauma

Note: I focus on the spiritual and energetic aspects of these issues. Before seeking my assistance, please ensure that you have addressed the mental aspects of your concerns with a professional. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.


  • Loving and supportive answers to your questions
  • A deeper awareness and understanding of the issue
  • New understanding of your past and the path ahead
  • Spiritual healing and energetic release


Certain issues take root somewhere deeper than our human minds can venture to. We need the help of spirits to go there: they have access to information, memories, and wisdom that is limited to us.

They see what we cannot, and because of that, they can answer questions about all aspects of your life.

In these sessions, I lay your questions before them and report everything they show and tell me in their answers. Sessions are remote, meaning I am in my home and you in yours. We are not in direct contact during this.
Afterward, you receive a written report of 3-4 pages long, which concludes everything that has transpired. I always include an abundance of practices and teachings so you can deepen your understanding of the provided information and work with it in the weeks following your reading.

You are always welcome to contact me with questions or for support after your session.

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The magic of these sessions lies in bringing your subconscious beliefs and experiences to the conscious mind so that you can transform and transmute the things that have been hindering your process.

If we encounter any pain points, blocks, or issues in your energy field, we will work with them as well.



  • Written in Dutch or English 

  • Down-to-earth report: You always receive a report, but if you would like me to limit complex spiritual language in yours, you can ask me for the option of a dreport. Please include this request in your intake form.

Forest Home

"I asked for Jamie's help with a physical problem. Based on just the intake form, she was immediately able to find the root of the issue, and within a week of the session, the problem had completely disappeared.

I was hesitant beforehand because I'm not very familiar with this type of work, but a friend referred me to Jamie, and I'm so glad I asked her for help.

It's astonishing how she knows things that she couldn't possibly know. I haven't felt uncomfortable once, which I was a little afraid of. Although the report itself was about a serious topic, she is very light-hearted and writes with humor.

The aftercare she provides is also nice, I felt very welcome and seen."




Select your prefered timeslot and fill in the intake form. There's a seperate form for Dutch and English sessions.
Sessions take 90-min.

Feel free to contact me if there's no suitable time available.


The session is remote (meaning that we won't be in 1:1 contact). Please refrain from any physical activities as some people experience mild dizziness, headac or nausea during their session.

Try to rest, nap, or meditate.


You'll receive a session report directly after your session. This contains all the information you need. I contact you after the session to see how you are and if you have any questions, unless you state that's not needed on the intake form.


Price: €149,-


I am a certified healer and spiritual guide.
With a
young heart, old soul, humor, and warm demeanor, I create a safe and nurturing space for my clients.

My intuitive approach to healing is grounded in years of experience and training, so I can draw from a wide range of modalities. 

Whether you are struggling with spiritual disconnection, emotional matters, or physical mysteries, I have the tools and expertise to help you find your way back to yourself.

I aim to always be a compassionate presence and I am utterly devoted to this work and my clients. My deep understanding of the human experience has made me a trusted guide to many over the years.



  • 7+ years of extensive studies in Human Design, plant medicine, ancient healing arts, mysticism, psychic development, theology and alchemy

  • Various courses and studies in the shamanic field

  • Various courses and studies regarding the Vagus Nerve

  • Various courses and studies regarding spiritual mentorship


  • Reiki Master

  • Sekhem Master

  • World Religions diploma

 I am trained (by those native to the practice) in Reiki, Sekhem, and Shamanism to prepare myself for the work that I do, clear my channels, and deepen my knowledge. Through these modalities, I became clear enough to work with my gifts and weave them into a technique used by only myself that is separate from any culture.
I do not consider myself a Reiki or Sekhem practitioner, nor do I consider myself to be a Shaman.  

Image by Annie Spratt


Price: €149,-

  • Is this safe?
    Yes, it is completely safe, even if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. This offering works with nothing but your own energy. I have many boundaries and practices set in place to make sure my energy remains completely separate from yours before, during, and after the session. People sometimes link soul work to something sinister, because of how souls are portrayed as something that can be sold, etc, or simply because of stagnant religious trauma (souls going to hell). Nothing could be further from the truth, but I do understand these beliefs can be difficult and I want to reassure you that this work is completely natural and safe. Should you feel uncomfortable with or unclear about anything, feel free to contact me with any questions.
  • Can I pay in instalments?
    Yes! Without extra charge, as I feel this should be available to those with less cash to spend right away. Please contact me prior to booking to set this up.
  • Can I reschedule or cancel?
    You can. To cancel, please inform me at least 7 days prior to your session. To reschedule, I prefer to be noticed at least 24 hours prior to your session, but I understand that life sometimes get's in the way and it's no biggie if it's a little later than that.
  • Are we in direct contact at any point?
    No, I won't contact you before or during your session. I will send you your report after the session and check up on you to see how you are and if you have any questions.
  • Do these sessions replace medical care?
    No! I can not stress this enough. I am not a doctor and not a therapist. I only work with the spiritual and energetic side of problems. Please be mindful about what you truly need. If an issue is physical, first rule out that it's medical. If an issue is emotional, please always work through it mentally before you address the spiritual side of it. Due to the nature of my work, I do not recommend my sessions to anyone with a psychotic disorder. You're always welcome to contact me with any questions regarding this.
  • What if I'm unhappy with the session I received?
    I want you to be happy, so if there's anything that bothers you, please contact me after your session and I'll try my very best to help you.
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